
Noon Meal

Puratchi Thalaivar M.G.R. Noon Meal Scheme (PTMGR)

PTMGR Noon meal scheme has implemented for providing noon meal to the school Students


To Provide nutritious noon meal to the school children and it is the purpose to increase the student’s learning capacity


The Government of India provides fund for implementing the programme. The funding pattern between the Centre and the State has been 60:40


  • 1,44,081 school students has been benefitted for 2017-18 and also provide noon meal.
  • 2,769 Brick Klin (Sengal Soolai) Labour’s school children benefitted for 2017-18
  • Under the Management Information System (MIS), the details are updated monthly on the Government Website and the SMS Monitoring System implemented from 2017-18
  • 1523 Mixe and 1523 Grinder has been given to the Noon Meal centers in 2017-18 through Distric Supply Office
  • 1523 Pappaya and 1523 Murungai are planted in Noon Meal Centers with the help of Horticulture department for the implementation of non forming horticulture scheme.
  • The action initiated to provide 707 pressure cooker to the Noon Meal Centers for 2017-18
  • The action initiated to provide 423 vessels to the Noon Meal Centers for 2017-18


PTMGR Noon meal scheme is the pioneer scheme in Tamilnadu Government. As a special nutritional scheme 13 kinds of variety menu with 5 different kinds of egg masalas were provided to the students for 5 days in a week.


PTMGR Noon meal scheme has implemented for achieving the following objective with effect from 1.7.1982 PTMGR Noon Meal Scheme his implemented in 1523 Noon Meal Centres 144081 beneficiaries & Noon Meal to the School Children of Brick Klin (Sengal Soolai) Labours beneficiaries 2769 (for the year 2017-18) with Noon Meal & Egg with following menu.

  • To Provide noon meal to the School children
  • To reduce the percentage of dropout children and to provide good education
  • To provide good health of the children
  • To Maintain good conduct & character of the children
  • The scheme extended to 6-10 school beneficiaries from 15/09/1984
  1. Monday to Friday – One Boiled Egg (Per Child) with Noon Meal
  2. Tuesday – 20 gms Boiled Green gram/Bengal gram (Alternatively)
  3. Friday – 20 grams Boiled Potato
  4. Banana is given as alternative food for egg Non eating Student.
  5. Special Meal Sweet pongal provided in Kamarajar & Aringer Anna
No.of Noon Meal Centres Functioning
S.No Centres No. of Centres No.of beneficiaries
1 Panchayat Union 1498 139560
2 Municipality 25 4521
Total 1523 144081


Details About Feeding And Charges Per Children
S.No. Details Rice (in Gram) Dhall (in Gram) Oil (in Gram)
1 1 to 5 Stds 100 15 3
2 6 to 10 Stds 150 15 3

Monitoring Management and Evaluation component

Under Monitoring Management and Evaluation component, Registers, Plates & Tumblers, Furniture, Soaps & Mats and kitchen devices etc., are provided to centers.

Details of the Total No. of Noon Meal Center Covered in the District
S.No Details of the Schools Total No.of Noon Meal Centre Total No. of Enrolement Total No. of Children fed
1 Panchayat Union Primary School 793 41332 37593
2 Panchayat Union Middle School 253 36641 32203
3 Government High School 148 36523 26474
4 Govt. Higher Secondary School 79 39467 21442
5 Adi Dravidar Primary School 39 2226 1974
6 Adi Dravidar Middle School 11 869 775
7 Adi Dravidar High School 6 1069 920
8 Adi Dravidar Hgher Secondary School 5 1410 1075
9 Govt. Aided Primary School 123 10489 8557
10 Govt. Aided Middle School 33 7617 5436
11 Govt. Aided High School 12 7448 3237
12 Govt. Aided Higher Secondary School 21 17588 4395
Total 1523 202679 144081
Noon Meal to the School Children of Brick Klin (Sengal Soolai) Labours 2769
Net Total 146850